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Ben Cops

Monday, February 28, 2005

Going binary with BizTalk

Going binary with BizTalk

Details how to create a non-XML based message in code from within an orchestration

Monday, February 21, 2005

Starting BizTalk Server 2004 orchestrations using the MessageAgent.

Starting BizTalk Server 2004 orchestrations using the MessageAgent.: "The messaging system of BizTalk Server 2004 relies over a powerful publish-subscribe architecture that uses Sql Server "

Interesting article about directly invoking biztalk orchestrations using some of the "under the hood" subscription APIs.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Complete Tosh, by Neil McIntosh: "My iPod has a personality!" No, really. It doesn't.

Complete Tosh, by Neil McIntosh: "My iPod has a personality!" No, really. It doesn't.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C#

Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C#

For reference, I always use the fourth version:

public sealed class Singleton
static readonly Singleton instance=new Singleton();

// Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler
// not to mark type as beforefieldinit
static Singleton()


public static Singleton Instance
return instance;

Friday, February 04, 2005

WMI Out Of Memory issue solved

The out of memory issue I posted about previously has been fixed in SP1 - hooray! It had also been fixed in a hotfix a colleague sent me:

FIX: You receive an error message when you use the WMI MSBTS_DeploymentService API to deploy large assemblies in BizTalk Server 2004


Happy birthday to me....